Remote Sensing

Stable Diffusion for Remote Sensing: Reality Check

  • 4 min read

Generative techniques like Stable Diffusion have been out for a while and are starting to make their way into the field of remote sensing. I thought I’d give these models a try and see what the hype was all about. From my very brief experiments, I can say two things: one, I’m not entirely sold on the utility of generative models for real world applications; two, these models make interesting and abstract art that resembles remote sensing imagery. Until these models and their supporting ecosystem develop further to allow practical application development, I’ll simply spend my time toying with these models to generate interesting art pieces.

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Hassle Free, Cloud Free

  • 3 min read

Given enough data and compute budget, there’s a sure-fire way to remove all cloud cover from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. By enough data, I mean a whopping 5 years worth of imagery. It’s fairly overkill, to put it mildly, but it works: every time, everywhere.

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Deep Learning

Stable Diffusion for Remote Sensing: Reality Check

  • 4 min read

Generative techniques like Stable Diffusion have been out for a while and are starting to make their way into the field of remote sensing. I thought I’d give these models a try and see what the hype was all about. From my very brief experiments, I can say two things: one, I’m not entirely sold on the utility of generative models for real world applications; two, these models make interesting and abstract art that resembles remote sensing imagery. Until these models and their supporting ecosystem develop further to allow practical application development, I’ll simply spend my time toying with these models to generate interesting art pieces.

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Hassle Free, Cloud Free

  • 3 min read

Given enough data and compute budget, there’s a sure-fire way to remove all cloud cover from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. By enough data, I mean a whopping 5 years worth of imagery. It’s fairly overkill, to put it mildly, but it works: every time, everywhere.

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Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion for Remote Sensing: Reality Check

  • 4 min read

Generative techniques like Stable Diffusion have been out for a while and are starting to make their way into the field of remote sensing. I thought I’d give these models a try and see what the hype was all about. From my very brief experiments, I can say two things: one, I’m not entirely sold on the utility of generative models for real world applications; two, these models make interesting and abstract art that resembles remote sensing imagery. Until these models and their supporting ecosystem develop further to allow practical application development, I’ll simply spend my time toying with these models to generate interesting art pieces.

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